Comments or thoughts: none
Made it!
SOAPed into Gen Surg Prelim, Reapply next year.
Was also a URM.
Random process
It was fun!
Honestly, just be a genuine, decent human being!
Just remember this is a game and these hoes ain't loyal. Enjoy the ride! Make great friends! Do your best, utilize all your resources, and interview well. But don't put much weight on "we want you as a resident" and frequent pre-rank-list contact. You are not the only one they said that too. While you may be highly ranked the only guarantee is if you are ranked to match. Ultimately, be grateful you have a spot.
Couples matching can be benificial. It's a great excuse to communicate w programs and express interest.
So glad its over. Now the real work begins.
"SubIs are really important, particularly if you don't have ties to a region
Took Step 2 very late and then updated programs
Taking time off in med school helps but its most important if you don't have a productive research experience beforehand"
matched in 2011
Put a lot of thought into subI's. Know if you are leaning towards more academic or clinical. Only go somewhere if it's an ideal location for you or you are already competitive there
For all the hate it gets, the match works.
Why helpful for stratification, numbers do not tell the whole story. LOR Also play a large role in interviews.
Fit is the most important thing. Don't believe the bullshit.
IMGs can match if they are dedicated
Second time applicant
once you have the interview its all about personality and fit