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JNS review time
I'm just flat out boycotting ever submitting to them again. I don't have time for this. If enough of us younger generation surgeons do this, they'll slip.
How’s the red journal compared to JNS in terms of review time?
(03-14-2018, 10:30 PM)Guest Wrote: How’s the red journal compared to JNS in terms of review time?

From what I've been told, the red journal's review time is significantly longer than JNS. I'm afraid I don't have specific examples though, unfortunately. Maybe someone else can help you out in that regard. 

To give some reference, I've been waiting on a simple case report to be reviewed (first time around) by JNS Spine for just two weeks now. I think it would be helpful if others mentioned their study type and wait time to give interested parties a frame of reference on what to expect.
jns= 6-9 weeks review time at max.
3 reviewers and they usually get 2-3 weeks to review.

Reference: myself (resident and reviewer for the jns)
I have two in the works. One is at 6 months and the other at two or three. I'm debating withdrawing and submitting elsewhere. The more concerning issue is they have said nothing to address these problems.
Anyone have any experience submitting a basic science pub to jns in terms of success getting accepted and review time?
I simply won't submit to JNS any longer.
Going on 6 months over here for a pretty simple paper, never again.
whats going on with shakeup at red journal. heard there is new editor, spine guy?
(02-21-2018, 02:15 AM)O Guest Wrote: Reviving an old thread:

Anyone know of updates? Still 2-3 months for JNS (spine)? 1.5 months? Waiting on a paper and getting antsy... applying next cycle.

Last year it took me 32 days to go from submission to revision and then 2 more weeks until acceptance.... but I also only submit good manuscripts

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