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Young Neurosurgeons Committee
Hello all, just heard I didn't get elected to the YNC and am a little disappointed. Can anyone comment on how useful these committees are towards careers, especially in academics?
Who won?
If you go on to be the chair it is pretty helpful I imagine, but otherwise I think you are just as well off reaching out to the subcommittee of your choosing and offering your services.
Not at all, don’t think twice about it
Try harder.
I didn't get it and it made no difference.
It's not real it's a popularity contest. If you want to be AANS Chair it helps but think about why you want that.
Social media tournament... Please, try to survive such a challenging event
Quite literally no one cares. Take the 50 hours you would have spent doing that and write a grant or a paper.
Its self selecting, people who find something like YNC valuable also find being chair valuable.

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