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Boycotting CNS this year
It only says Israel. There is no mention to West Bank, Gaza, or Palestinian lives (186,000 deaths according to Lancet + thousands abducted), and no follow-up statement from CNS.

Boycott is the least we can do. 
Those posts are anonymous because it is easy to mark whoever speaks agains those crimes as antisemitic or self-hating jew, and destroy their future.
^ That is NOT what the Lancet editorial says. Please learn to read critically before becoming a physician.
Absolutely! God help the USA if this new generation of neurosurgeons is pro-genocide and lack basic human decency. I don’t care how many RO1 grants and humanity hashtags you claim on your twitter if you don’t care about innocent killing of people just because your terrorist zionist agenda.

PS: God bless the OP…it triggered those raging zionists and now crying like babies on their twitters claiming it’s anti-semite. So basically they don’t want to do condemn the genocide, acknowledge the massacre or the 10K Palestinians prisoners but they want to push the fake zionist agenda. If this is anti-semite, you are anti-human and should not be a physician. What a disgrace to CNS and neurosurgery community.
(09-06-2024, 12:34 PM)Guest Wrote: Absolutely! God help the USA if this new generation of neurosurgeons is pro-genocide and lack basic human decency. I don’t care how many RO1 grants and humanity hashtags you claim on your twitter if you don’t care about innocent killing of people just because your terrorist zionist agenda.

PS: God bless the OP…it triggered those raging zionists and now crying like babies on their twitters claiming it’s anti-semite. So basically they don’t want to do condemn the genocide, acknowledge the massacre or the 10K Palestinians prisoners but they want to push the fake zionist agenda. If this is anti-semite, you are anti-human and should not be a physician. What a disgrace to CNS and neurosurgery community.

you are so brave, posting anonymously on the internet.
Levy is pro Israel and is Jewish lol…what do you expect him to say? Save Palestine? Come on lol it’s common sense
Not surprised, but he can’t say CNS is inclusive then release a statement that only mentions Israel. I used to look up to him before all of this. Shame.
Nader Pouratian is a Persian jew. But being Jewish doesn’t mean a zionist and vice versa. Zionist literally means not recognizing Palestinians having a state and calls for stealing the whole historical Palestine. There are many good jewish people who against the zionist Israel and illegal settlements. The religious Haredim in Israel and Neturei Karta group are both ultra-orthodox and consider the current Israel illegal. So you can’t pull the anti-semite card when your own religious people tell you are wrong and illegal.

Other celebrity jews like Norman Finkelstein, Naom Chomsky, Bernie, Jill Stein…are pro-Palestine and clearly condemn settlements and are against genocide.

That being said, Nader and Elad are pro-genocide. Ignoring the genocide and focusing on propaganda from October 7 is a crime per se and doesn’t need to be clearly written by them stating they are pro-genocide to know that. I cannot believe these people talk about saving lives and inclusions non stop on their twitters but in reality they don’t care about 50-100 Palestinians getting killed daily.

These people need re-think more why they became physicians. They wrote that CNS letter then started to promote like kids thanking the CNS. What a joke…then you have a herd of zionist terrorists like Shafty and others who post pro-genocide and propaganda more than they operate or publish. Then they cry with hashtsgs neveragain. These kind of people better not operate on humans. I wouldn’t trust them to operate on animals, either
Elad levy should be asked to step down if he isn’t condemning the genocide. We need peace in these troubled times.
You should all learn by now that neurosurgeons who preach/brag about a certain topic on social media just reveal what they don't practice. The reason being that most have been acussed of negligence or abuse on that aspect so they try to build a fake public image and “evidence” that denies any charges - in case they get sued.
If you want to know someone, dare to work with them or look for evidence on their inner circle.
Who is “shafty”? Do you mean shofty? I like it though lol

True. Both Levi and Pouratian should be asked to step down from chair position and banned from CNS leadership. If CNS cares about their inclusion and integrity, this is the first step. I would argue though that their medical license should be re-evaluated. You should have basic human decency before practicing medicine.

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